all postcodes in TF4 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF4 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF4 3AA 0 52.663606 -2.469906
TF4 3AB 0 52.662327 -2.470321
TF4 3AD 0 52.657069 -2.475396
TF4 3AE 0 52.657179 -2.475013
TF4 3AF 0 52.658313 -2.474612
TF4 3AG 0 52.663172 -2.473378
TF4 3AH 0 52.66412 -2.472501
TF4 3AJ 0 52.657821 -2.474074
TF4 3AL 2 52.663786 -2.47062
TF4 3AN 0 52.65976 -2.472424
TF4 3AP 0 52.658398 -2.472703
TF4 3AQ 0 52.65907 -2.474176
TF4 3AR 0 52.659488 -2.472924
TF4 3AS 0 52.660839 -2.476768
TF4 3AT 0 52.662072 -2.478822
TF4 3AU 0 52.662398 -2.480289
TF4 3AW 0 52.659105 -2.472092
TF4 3AX 0 52.662622 -2.479757
TF4 3AY 0 52.659188 -2.476011
TF4 3AZ 0 52.658741 -2.475562